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Showing posts with the label stress-free moving tips

Moving Basics: 4 Tips for Stress-Free Moving

While moving to a new apartment or new home can be a major life event, the experience doesn't have to be chaotic. With a little extra planning, relocating can be stress-free and even fun (yes, really!). Here are four moving tips to ensure a smooth transition for you and your belongings. 1. Start early If after taking a walk around your house you think, "I don't have many things to move," most likely you are part of a minority. Even for those obsessed with some tactics, moving to another part of town requires a lot of detail and planning. Start planning your move early — up to two to three months before the date — to take care of every detail and avoid last-minute panic. Start with a moving checklist that lists everything you need to do, such as notify the post office of your change of address, make any necessary changes to your utilities, transfer your cable service, and plan your route. transfer. Keep that list in a conspicuous place, like on the refrigerator